The Art & Craft Market and Sustainability Fair

If you or somebody you know would like to hold a stall at the Arts and Crafts market, please get in touch on 0888 573325 :)
Open to artisans and artists alike :)
We believe that solutions to many of the planet's environmental problems are out there, waiting to be discovered by the rest of the world and so we thought about combining the run with a fair that could showcase the wares and ideas of these environmentally minded organisations and businesses.
From sustainable charcoal to bamboo cultivation and from solar to biogas, we want to show off what options are available.
Other organisations who came specialised in waste management, ecofriendly building, environmentally friendly cook stoves, upcycling, tree planting and many more.
In a nutshell, we want to invite and show off organisations who support the symbiotic relationship between the environment, society and the economy :)
Saturday 14th September: Run4Reforesation 2024 - Here we come :)