Hi all, it is that time again!
This is your opportunity to shine as TREEZ embassadors :)
The Run4Reforestation is one of the main sources of funding for TREEZ, and an important vector for raising awareness about the urgent issues of deforestation, mainly in Malawi, but also worldwide. This is not a problem unique to Malawi, but it is a debilitating problem for Malawi.
With more than 90% of the population relying on firewood/charcoal for cooking and heating, and with trees being cut down to burn bricks to build houses (especially in the wake of the devasatation left by Cyclone Freddy), the protection of forested areas and the education in a more efficient use of our precious natural resources is all the more crucial.

If you can come, come. The entrance fee is MK4,000 for Malawians and MK10,000 for non Malawians. But, like the London Marathon and many other races, participants are encouraged to raise their own funds towards a charitable organisation, and for this event, the organisation is TREEZ. To do this, I have set up a JustGiving page so that participants can create their own fundraising campaigns, or donate directly to TREEZ there. To do this you can go to: www.justgiving.com/campaign/run4reforestation2023
Or use this QR code to help you along:

And if you can't be here, or you are not in Malawi, you can still participate: check the next post out for the VIRTUAL Run4Reforestation :)